Securely deliver documents from service providers to end users using the Postbox system
1. Service Provider Uploads Documents
The service provider (e.g. bank) accesses the secure upload interface of Postbox.
- Action: Uploads documents to the user's Postbox using the Enterprise API.
- System Response: Documents are encrypted and stored securely in the Postbox.
2. End-User Receives Notification
- Action: The end-user receives a notification about new documents.
- System Response: The notification system sends an email or in-app alert.
3. End-User Logs into Postbox
- Action: The end-user logs into their banking system to access the Postbox.
- System Response: End-user authentication is validated through banking credentials and security measures like two-factor authentication or SSO is applied.
4. User Views and Manages Documents
- Decision Point: The end-user views and manages documents delivered by the provider.
- System Response:
Document Viewer: View, download, and print documents securely.
Permissions: No editing, moving, or deleting unless granted higher roles by the provider.
Auditing: For legal reasons, an audit log is written when a file is read/downloaded.
5. Outcome
Documents are securely delivered, accessed and managed with all actions logged for compliance.